art by Ananya Saraiman, words by Aliza Susatijo
spirals of siphoning stars and and flickering beacons of light
as i float through this airless space
so vast it almost swallows me
i feel as though i could reach out my hand and grasp the stars
graze it with the tip of my finger
in hopes of being chained to the radiating light
if only so that i am not alone
i am stifled by the pure nothingness
there is no difference between flying and falling
my jump into the atmosphere
a perfect leap of exhilaration
could just as easily be a collapse into the ether
a deep spiral into an imploding star
so catastrophic yet so silent
i am suffocating in its emptiness
even still, i find myself pulled in further
never contained
but never seen
i search for a sign of solid ground for me to rest my head
the tears in my eyes freezing into solid droplets
there is no sign of hope or rescue
no one to call out my name
i will be enveloped by this endless darkness
what i believed was an enveloping hug of warmth and comfort
was a stifling cage of loneliness
even stars are kept company by each other
reassured in their place throughout the eternal night by a twinkle,
no matter how dim or how far
in this Universe, where no one sees me
who am i?